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The Mouth of Qi. Decorating Tips for your Entryway.

The front door of your home is crucially important in Feng Shui and so is what you see as soon as you open it. It is often referred to as the mouth of Qi. Just like in our bodies the mouth is where our own breath, life force and nourishment enters the body, so for our homes the door and entryway represent the main opening, the point that separates the outside energy from the inside energy and what we place in the foyer can either enhance or hinder the flow.

When decorating with Feng Shui principles in mind, one must remember that these are general cures and that each individual house is different and as unique as its inhabitants. When working with clients, I personally use a method I call "Compassionate Design", where one's individual intentions and needs are at the center of the design. Feng Shui offers tools to enhance our intentions in action so that we can better integrate our inner world with our other world.

The front door.

The front door itself needs to be solid and proportionate to the rest of the house, inviting and clearly visible. The door should be easily accessible, the pathway leading to it should be soft and flowy maybe slightly curved and neither a super long and straight line or an impervious wiggly line. In order for the front door to be inviting and attract opportunities and good energy, the door itself and the area around it should be kept clean, decluttered and welcoming. More importantly, the front door should be used often. If you have a side door that you use and the front door is barely ever used you are blocking energy from coming in. If the front door is a mouth, it needs water or it will be thirsty. The water needs to flow in at just the right pace.

Decorating for the entryway:

  • Declutter. The entryway can be a messy spot where people leave shoes, coats, keys, umbrellas, unopened mail, backpacks, etc. It will easily get messy unless you put a system in place. When you open that door, you want to be invited to a place that makes you feel safe and peaceful. Psychologically, is very detrimental to enter your home after a long work day to a space that is off-putting and chaotic. Keep in mind that the furniture you choose to put in the foyer cannot block the doorway, nor have sharp edges. Ideally, all the objects should not be exposed, especially shoes, and neatly stored away.

  • Cures for unfortunate layouts. If you open the door and you see stairs right in front of you, the energy will flood upstairs, and if you can see a back door or window straight ahead from the front door, the energy will flow right out to the back. Mirrors, crystals and plants can alleviate these scenarios.

  • Mirrors are great way to manipulate the flow of energy and to double the energy of what they reflect. They should never be placed directly facing the front door otherwise the energy escapes right back outside. Instead, place them perpendicularly to the door above the storage furniture or console table.

  • Plants as long as they are healthy, green and alive are always a good idea. They represent growth and prosperity. Particularly lucky for the entrance are the jade plant, money tree plants, ferns and geraniums.

  • Crystals can be used to modify the energy of a space. Being that the entrance usually corresponds to the North Area of the Bagua, placing a black tourmaline crystal for growth and clearing stagnant energy would be auspicious. Also amethyst can work as an air and energy purifier.

  • Lighting plays an important role in decorating. The entryway is the most Yang space of the house so you want to keep it bright. A ceiling fixture, natural sunlight, additional sconces or lamps can all be used to enhance the light in the space.

Most of all, I'd suggest you ask yourself how do you want to feel when you first enter your home? What do you want to communicate? How can this space serve you and your lifestyle best? What kind of energy, opportunities, experiences do you want to welcome in your home and life? Feel free to reach out to me with specific questions or to schedule a consultation!


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