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Meridian Yoga Therapy & Traditional Chinese Medicine

Healing from the Inside Out

Image by Content Pixie

"Where there is no movement there is pain, where there is movement there is no pain"

Traditional Chinese Proverb

Meridian Yoga Therapy

Meridian Yoga Therapy (MYT) combines Yoga and TCM principles. MYT uses physical methods to Ease the flow of energy through the subtle channels and release muscle tension, joint pain, headaches, digestive issues, anxiety, depression.
Schedule your private or semi private session with me.

The law of Yin and Yang is the natural order of the universe, the foundation of all things, mother of all changes, the root of life and death.

The Yellow Emperor Classic Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

The principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine guide me in my work as a Yin Yoga teacher, MYT Practitioner and Feng Shui Designer.


When we look at our wellbeing, it is imperative to bring awareness to the body as a whole, and to the way in which the different parts of the body are connected according to the 12 meridians, the 5 elements, the balance of Yin and Yang qualities and their effect on our mind and spirit. 

"Illness is a state of disintegration and wellness is a state of integration."

Dr. Paul Wang

Traditional Chinese Medicine
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