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What is Feng Shui?

This ancient philosophy can improve your daily life and help you achieve harmony, balance and inner peace. 

Feng Shui is an ancient philosophy and practice that originated in China and aims at bringing harmony and balance between people and their environment.


Literally, Feng means Wind and it represents the unseen parts of life, like the air we breathe, but also our subconscious, our deeply rooted beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and desires. Shui means Water and it represents the seen parts of life,

our manifested reality.


 Just as in our body we need to maintain a steady ebb and flow of life energy (Chi, Prana or Ki) to avoid for stagnant energy to get stuck, so in our physical environments and our living spaces, we need to assure the continuous flow of good energy.


The principles of Ying and Yang are essential to understand Feng Shui, as they embrace the cyclical nature of life and earth and the co-existence of two opposite yet complimentary forces, the Yin and the Yang, that together make the whole or Tao. 


As a Feng Shui Consultant, I am able to assess a living space and make adjustments in order to maximize harmony and the flow of positive Ch'i or good energy, thus brining inner peace to its inhabitants; all the while keeping in mind the functional needs, the aesthetic appeal and the comforts of a modern home design. 

The Basics

Free downloads to start your Feng Shui Journey

Bagua Map

The Five Elements

Yin & Yang

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